Who Is Maine’s Most Popular Horror Icon?
When a legendary horror icon like Stephen King lives in your state, horror movies and books are common in everyday life. Pennywise, Carrie, Pet Sematary, the Mist, etc. all these movies and books are based in Maine, but the question is, who is the most popular? Who is the most feared? Who in the end is the most iconic?
Frontierbundles.com answered that question by searching around the country and finding the number 1 for each state.
In the state of Maine the most feared, and popular horror icon: the creepy extraterrestrial clown: Pennywise.
Curiously enough, he is also number one in Alabama, Iowa, Idaho, Indiana, North Dakota, Utah, and Virginia. He is the most feared in the second most states, with only Jack Torrance from The Shining being more feared. Chucky, Frankenstein's Monster, and Hannibal Lecter round out the top 5.
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