Here’s a List of Maine Towns & What Residents Say They’re Famous For
We asked the question on our Facebook page, "What is your hometown’s claim to fame and/or nickname?" Boy, did we get a lot of response. So many that I had to share them with you because at one point, I almost fell off my chair from laughing so hard.
Let's start with me, ya? I am a proud Lewiston homeowner. I love my proud people and our warrior mentality. However, somewhere down the line, Lewiston got it's nickname, "The Dirty Lew." I wish I knew who, where, and when this happened. But it's obvious that it came with a negative meaning. As you all know, I am proud to live in Lewiston.
Next would be where I work and that is Augusta. I heard shortly after travelling here every day that folks nicknamed the city of Augusta as, "Disgusta." So, two for two in the negative nicknames.
However, the topic that became more prominent as almost 200 comments filed in, was what your hometown claims to fame were! I liked that much better because I was able to learn so much more about what you all think of your towns!
Below is a gallery of what each person said about their town and it is fun! Check and see if I have your town in this list! So buckle up, here we go!