Capital Region Salvation Army Getting Ready for Christmas in Augusta/Waterville Area
For the Capital Region Salvation Army the holidays start early. They have to, there is a lot to do! Right now, things are moving along. But there are so many ways you can help out. Here is how...
The Adopt A Family program needs families or business, especially in the Waterville area, to adopt a family. That means IF you adopt a family, your group gets the gifts and holiday meal for the whole family! It is FUN!! Please give the Capital Region Salvation Army about adopting a family. Here you go, here is the number 623-3752.
There are a few business that are letting the start the bell ringing before Thanksgiving. A BIG thank you to K-Mart in Augusta and Waterville, Marden's in Waterville, JC Penny in Waterville and Christmas Tree Shop in Waterville. But those bells don't ring themselves. They need you or your family or group to come and ring bells!!!!
The Angel Trees are going up SOON, so you can help out by shopping for kids this holiday season. SO many ways to help.
It is the season to do more, make a difference and be part of the community. Let's face it, Santa knows who is naughty and who is nice. What list are you going to end up on?
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