Imagine you lived in a town where a movie was filmed and you were able to watch it all become created. Well, you don't have to imagine because it is happening right in Lewiston, Maine.

According to The Sun Journal, Kennedy Park will be the premier spot to host the filming of a new movie called, "The Murder" by filmmaker Alegria Mangala Kinfumu from Angola. This is his most recent project and the best part is, that it seems to be to be sort of an action movie.

The reason I say that is because Kennedy Park will be filled with FBI agents, police and bad guys wearing orange jumpsuits, according to the article.

So be ready to see Kennedy Park flooded with police officials and agents but don't worry it's not real and nothing bad is happening. only a creation of a really cool movie straight out of Lewiston!

The article stated that they will be shooting some scenes shot in the park and the director chose our city because he "appreciates the peace and security he found here" in an interview with the city back in 2018.

City officials in Lewiston say in the article that they will be closing the roads around the park for about 30 minutes.

The most exciting part is that the filmmaker and crew are looking for volunteers to help with the movie. According to the article, anyone that is interested can email Alegria Mangala Kinfumu at and you can work on a real movie set!

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