Mary Mayhew, Former DHHS Commissioner, Says She’ll be Running For Governor
After working under Governor LePage for several years, Mayhew has decided to make a run to become his successor.
According to the Kennebec Journal online, author Scott Thistle,
Mayhew said she wants to continue the work of Republican Gov. Paul LePage, who is finishing his second term. She told the Bangor-based WVOM talk radio hosts George Hale and Ric Tyler that she would run during an early-morning call-in interview. The station and its hosts have been a favorite platform for LePage when he wants to make news or an announcement.
Do you have any predictions of people who may toss their hat into the ring for a gubernatorial run in 2018? Or, better yet, is their anyone in particular that you WANT to see toss their hat in? I mean, after all, the Marden's Lady says she might run, too!
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