Four years ago, I decided to tackle my weight struggles head-on. I transformed into a yoga-loving jogger, running four miles a day. I ended up shedding over 80 pounds, and was on my way to matching my inner vibes with my outer appearance.

Being a woman in a world obsessed with skinny, you get those "compliments" like, "Your face is so pretty" or "You carry the weight well." Like, thanks, but I'm not a furniture store showcasing good weight distribution.

Yet, my weight loss wasn't about societal standards. It was a personal mission for myself and my family. I wanted to stick around, run around with my son, and keep up with the chaos of life.

Fast forward to a new job as the Morning Show Host for 92 Moose, and a fixer-upper house and my workout routine took a nosedive amidst all of the chaos. So, I gained some weight back.

After about six months of not feeling like myself, I again decided to hit the gym and dedicate myself to becoming more healthy. Surprisingly, the weight wasn't budging as it used to.

Then about a year ago, my podcast obsession introduced me to Ozempic. It was all the rage in helping you to lose weight fast, but my podcasters are mostly located in California, and some of the popular trends there don't make it to Maine.

Initially, I thought it was exclusively for folks dealing with type 2 diabetes, or very, very rich folks. However, I'm a big believer in manifesting destiny. So, I incorporated thoughts about this medicine into my daily routine, and slowly but surely, the opportunity to try this "miracle drug" presented itself.

I am now working with Dr. Gillis from Medical Weight Loss Management in Oakland. 

In one sitting, Dr. Gillis educated and informed me about my body more then any doctor I have ever met with.

Dr. Gillis is a proctologist and understands the human body. He has been studying that part of your body for more then 20 years. This is what makes him the perfect person to help on your weight loss journey.

I am sure you have heard by now of the weight loss shots referred to as either Ozempic, Semaglutide, Wegovy, or Rybelsus.

I am taking Semaglutide.

Semaglutide is antidiabetic medication used for the treatment of type 2 diabetes and a weight loss medication used for long-term weight management. It was developed by Novo Nordisk in 2012, according to Wikipedia. 

Semaglutide acts as a glucagon-like peptide-1 or GLP-1 receptor, which essentially tricks your body into thinking it's full.

I took my initial dose of Semaglutide on November 1. The routine involves a weekly self-administered shot to your stomach. So far, I've had three doses, and the outcomes have been nothing short of remarkable. Honestly.

Now, here's the twist that might bug you a bit. I'm not one to obsess over the numbers on the scale, because I believe it's healthier not to fixate on them. So, I don't know the exact weight I've lost, but my wife does, and by her account, it's quite a big amount.

I happily endorse Dr. Gillis and his Medical Weight Loss Management center because they are interested in you, not just losing the weight.  I am safe and under the management and careful eye of Dr. Gillis and the manager of his wellness center, Chris Weeks.

Many others are hesitant to talk about being on this type of drug because of the "stigma."

Some saying you're taking the "easy way out." If there is something on the market, carefully managed by a trusted doctor, that can give you a hand when you're having a hard time losing weight, I say why the hell not?

I still go to the gym every day and watch what I eat, so that I can continue to be healthy after I stop using this medicine.

If you are interested in joining me, Dr. Gillis's new patients are filling up fast, so please call (207) 716-1555 or visit Dr. Gillis Medical Weight Loss Management on Facebook. 

I will continue to document my journey on Semaglutide with you.

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Gallery Credit: Jadd

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