My Open Apology to The Sweet Couple I Rear-Ended on The Rotary
For the first time in my entire life, I was involved in an at-fault accident. It happened on Monday morning just after 10 AM at the intersection of Western Avenue and Memorial Circle (The Rotary).
The irony here is, if you listen to the Moose Morning Show enough, I'm always complaining about drivers on Augusta's rotaries and how ignorant some people can be. Well, yesterday I was that guy. I made an assumption that cost me a claim against my insurance.
I was waiting to pull out onto the rotary and had one car in front of me. I was wearing my seatbelt, not on my phone and paying complete attention. The car in front of me began to roll forward so I assumed they were pulling out into the circle. I looked to my left to make sure I had enough clearance and time to proceed as well and slowly took my foot off the brake and began to go... THUD!
The car in front of me had not pulled into the rotary.. they had just rolled forward a little bit to get a better view of traffic and then stopped to make sure it was safe before continuing. That's when I hit the back of them. I hit them because when I saw them slowly roll I ASSUMED they were going to go. I never checked back in front after looking left. Totally my fault....
We pulled off into the Wrapped Up parking lot to take a look at what had happened. It turns out I cracked the rear bumper plastic on his car and slightly pushed in a part of the steel bumper on my RAM. I asked him if he wanted me to have the police come down and do an accident report and he said he did. I called APD and while we were waiting for them to show up we got to talking.
It turns out that this older gentleman and his wife had been in town dealing with a pet emergency with their cat. He is also a US Military veteran and had just endured a surgery on one of his legs... and then, after all that I rear ended him. I felt (and still do) so terrible about the whole thing. The couple (which I will leave nameless) ended up being some of the nicest people I've ever met. Obviously I'm not happy that this happened, but I'm happy that it gave me the opportunity to meet them. Just such sweet people!
My insurance is already on the ball and getting ready to take care of his car repairs. Oh, and you know the real irony of it all? This man got rear-ended in his Veteran license plate with my 'Support Our Troops' plate. Kinda funny, isn't it? Again, I'm so sorry this happened but I'm so happy I had the chance to meet you and your wife.
I hope everything works out with your cat!
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