Remembering this hilarious story from January, 2021

You may have heard us talking about this on the Moose Morning Show the other day, but did you actually see the photo? Well here's your chance. This photo was posted the other day by Zac York. He and his wife, Liz, own York's Dairy Farm and Elizabeth York Photography.


I obviously had to use our 'only in Maine' title on this one because, well, it's pretty self explanatory. You see, if you're a person reading this who isn't from around here, this is just about the most 'Maine' thing you can do.

Putting your snowmobile away for the season? Put it up on blocks! Trying to rook some 22's off your neighbor's Escalade? Put it up on blocks! And last, but certainly not least, is your cow too short to get the automatic milker under? Put er' up on blocks guy!

In all seriousness, this really is just a hilarious photo that needed to be shared with the masses. Additionally, I think it's also important to remind Mainers of the incredibly hard work that our dairy farmers statewide put in on a daily basis. It's easy to take for granted our Maine-made milk always being on the shelf when we want it, but how it gets there is a whole other story.

So, next time you have a run-in with a Maine diary farmer, or an opportunity to check out one of Maine's many dairy operations- do it. And remember, a quick 'thank you' for everything they do for our agriculture industry and our strong bones.

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