Last night at around 6:00pm, my wife Nelly and I drove over to Wal Mart in Auburn. It was packed. We were assuming it is because of the impending storm on Tuesday.

As we got out of the car and started walking through the parking lot, I immediately heard yelling and cursing. I looked to where the voices were coming from and saw a man and woman yelling at each other inside of their vehicle. Soon after, the woman kicked the man out of the car and continued to yell.

He was standing their knocking on her door and before I could finish the first Wal Mart "soap opera" something else caught my attention.

This was happening at the other side of the parking lot, in front of the store. This was a lot worse.

I started to film right away because I truly believed that the police would need footage.

As you can hear in the video, it was loud, it was upsetting, and it was dangerous because there was a 2-ton vehicle involved. I will now tell you what you didn't see.

As I walked towards the front of the store, I noticed on the right side a woman outside of a truck. Their was also a passenger in the vehicle. The male driver in the truck was yelling at the top of his lungs to this woman and he didn't stop or want to stop.

She was walking away from the vehicle towards the entrance of the store and he was still shouting. At that moment, I had to cross the road. As I started to cross, he put his car in drive and burned heading towards our direction.

He saw us but didn't slow down, we walked faster and he just sped right by us. That is when I lifted the camera.

Thank goodness no one was hurt. I am not going to begin to understand people or the way they decide to behave, but it is just that, a decision.

He chose to continue to yell and scream and drive recklessly and erratically through a heavily populated parking lot, without any concern for the well-being of others. So even though I don't try to understand the ways of people, I will never tolerate vicious decisions that put the publics lives at risk.

I am writing this because I have witnessed too many altercations at Wal Mart in Auburn. It's just a fact of mine.

I know badness occurs everywhere but I have never seen this happen at another local grocery store. Are their any security guards that post up at Wal Mart?

Suffice it to say, I will probably order online more.

Lastly, no, the infamous pole was not injured in the above conflict.

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