This Maine Football Team Gives Girls The Opportunity to Tackle Their Dreams
Last night I was lucky enough to visit the, "Girls of Fall" Football Clinic. It was held at the Portland Sport's Complex. This is where the Maine Mayhem Woman's Football team hosts a clinic to help encourage girls from 5th grade high school that are football lovers.
I was at their first try-out session for the Mayhem's football team.
This isn't flag football. It is full tackle. Pretty cool huh? I learned about the Mayhem team through a dear friend, Angie that plays and was stoked to get a chance to be welcomed to their events.
If your daughter is a fan of contact sports, plays for a team in high school and she is the only female or just one of a couple, then Mayhem is where she needs to be.
They also had a photographer there who took photos of the girls. They take the photos, enlarge them and put them onto posters like below.
I was able to watch the Mayhem teammates and Coach Bryant Oja motivating the girls with drills.
As I was watching a father approached me and told me that his daughter, Katelyn was participating in the clinic. I was lucky enough to chat with Katelyn, who is a 14 year old Football player at Lisbon High school. She is one of two girls that play on the team.
Katelyn also is a cheerleader, softball player, and is in R.O.T.C. I was exhausted just listening to her schedule. Katelyn's older brother, Trevor is also on the football team.
I asked her why she loves football so much and she told me that ever since she started in 3rd grade, she was hooked. She doesn't get nervous when she tackles, she feels powerful. Katelyn can play all positions but told me that the last position she played was center lineman. That's the person that hikes the ball. She even showed me the position in which you do that.
All of the girls that were participating in the clinic yesterday were endlessly supported by the football players and the coach. It was an endearing day and very powerful.
And of course, yours truly had to get in on the action, and I learned that I am amazing at football.
If you are interested in tackling your dreams with the Maine Mayhem's Women's Football league, you can get all of your details here!
Check out the gallery of my day at the clinic below!