Big changes are happening over at Walmart and I am not sure how we are all going to feel. Why? Because its 2025 and opinions have quadrupled since the 90s, thanks to Facebook.

If you've noticed something different, it's not just your eyes playing tricks, Walmart dropped a fresh logo as part of a major brand overhaul.

Check out the new logo here by visiting USA Today.

According to USA Today, this massive chain store has launched a new logo on Monday, saying that the new branding is due to their evolution into a "people-led, tech-powered omnichannel retailer." Whatever that means.

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It means, sleek, modern look to the brand. What do you think about this? The logo is rolling out in stores all across Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and beyond.

What’s new about the new logo at Walmart?

Here's what's changed, according to USA Today, Walmart's new look is inspired by the trucker hats that the company's founder, Sam Walton used to wear. The font is custom made to help Walmart look fresh, modern but still holding on to their traditional vibe.

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The logo also has a new "spark" symbol. And the color? They have chosen to stick with the iconic blue we all know.

Check out the new logo here by visiting USA Today.

When will we see the new logo at Walmart?

As per the report, the new logo is coming out starting this month, January 2025 and they will continue to release it over time, across all of their stores.

So if you are heading to your local Walmart Maine, New Hampshire, or Massachusetts, keep an eye out. This is a logo overhaul, so everything will be changed, apps, websites, packaging, promotion, all of it.

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What do people think about the new Walmart logo?

Well, all you have to do is check out the memes! They are popping up all over social media, with people hilariously pointing out that the new logo looks pretty similar to the old one. This one from X below, has got me rolling on the floor, laughing.

Creators are literally having a field day with this, joking that the new, fresh logo is pretty much like a copy-paste of the one before. It seems like no matter how much Walmart tries to reinvent, the internet will always keep them on their toes.

Check out this video from YouTube, pointing out the meme battle happening now, online.

Walmart seems to be trying to keep up with the Joneses, making sure they stay relevant.
In my opinion, and the end of the day, as long as they continue offering affordable prices for hardworking families, I’ll keep shopping there!

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