Check Out The Funniest Maine Wedding I’ve Ever Been To
The Fall season is always a beautiful time to have a wedding. So many folks are holding their dream weddings all around Maine and some are renewing their vows after years of happy marriages. This was the case for two of my dearest friends, Matt and Rachelle Powell.
Funny side note, last year, at this time, during our Camp Out Hunger event, I became licensed to marry lovers! However, I did not do the marrying this time, it was something even more incredible then me!
I am highlighting their wedding because something spectacular happened but also because these two individuals have done so much for their community, that they need to be known. They are humble and would never ask for accolades. And would shy away from any sort of "pomp, or circumstance."
Rachelle and Matt are those silent heroes that you walk past in the community and have no idea what they've been through or who they've saved.
Without airing too much of their beautiful laundry, Matt served in the military, they've adopted children together, Matt is a football coach, amongst many other trials and tribulations that these two have survived through.
Here's the best part, Rachelle and Matt were 13 years when they fell in love and yours truly was able to witness it. I have watched them dote on each other for the better part of 25 years. They were previously married while Matt was serving but it was in a hallway and more for legality then, a "dream wedding". So, this weekend, they finally were able to have the wedding they've dreamt of.
As we all arrived at the Hilton Garden Inn Riverwatch, in Auburn, dressed in 1920's attire, as per the brides request, I noticed something strange.
We were in this beautiful courtyard and all I saw was a clown. Yes, at a wedding. Their officiant, who has done hundreds of weddings, was dressed up as a clown.
Why? Matt Powell is probably one of the funniest people I know. He is the life of the party and never ceases to amaze me laugh. So, because the officiant knew that humor was such a huge part of them as a couple, he dressed as a clown.
Matt came out dancing as always.
As the bride approached the groom, we all turned around and saw, "The Clown."
It was so incredible and funny. Their vows blew me away. Watching two people who are so comfortable and committed to each other is inspiring.
It was a great night with great people and great memories with an additional bonus of. a clown, there's nothing better than that!
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