Emotionally & Physically, The ‘Miles For Mills’ 5K Was The Most Intense Run I’ve Ever Done
As many of us arrived at the Brunswick Landing this past Memorial Day Weekend to attend the Miles For Mills 5k, collectively, we all felt the energy.
As soon as I got out of the car I was hit with this intense energy. I knew exactly what it was, internal power.
I was surrounded by trailblazers, like SSG. Travis Mills, heroes, like every service member and veteran who has fought for our country, and changemakers, the people who worked so hard to make this event possible.
This event was successful because of love, kindness, and gratitude. As I stood at the 92 Moose tent before the race, staring at the faces of the people who were attending the run, I could tell each person had a story and a reason as to why they were participating.
After the run started, the experience levelled up pretty quick when I saw two firefighters in full gear, running.
They both had probably 80 plus pounds of gear on them with their oxygen tanks on their backs.
All along our route at Brunswick Landing were signs posted with faces of the service members that have lost our lives in service to our country. The signs stated who they were and what they did.
As the firefighters approached these signs they both would stop. The female firefighter would stop running, stand right in front of the sign and salute the service member that had passed.
The male firefighter kneeled down and rested his head on the signs.
This was a moment I will never forget. Witnessing the comradery and gratitude they had pouring out of their bodies for these heroes, who risked their lives, was awe-inspiring.
There were so many other emotional experiences that took place that day and if you were there, you understand. I encourage all of you to check out the Travis Mills Foundation and become educated on the work they are so diligently doing to help our vets.
Travis Mills is an extraordinary person. He was able to take an unfortunate circumstance of losing his arms and legs and turn it into something inspiring.
You can follow Travis and all of the motivational things he's doing that you too can be a part of, at Travis Mills Foundation.
Enjoy a full gallery of photos below of the Miles For Mill 5k.