Unity House of Pizza says Customers are Harassing Staff
As with anything I'm sure that this is not the majority of patrons at the Unity House of Pizza but a very small group that can't seem to get their act together.
We are living in ever-changing and uncertain times. And with that comes almost certain, inherent change to the way we live our lives. Some of those changes have come in the form of how we dine out. The Unity House of Pizza isn't just your average pizza joint, they are a long-standing and time-tested staple of the local community of which they serve. Whether it be for a great slice of local pie or a couple beers and a game of pool, people come from all over to enjoy the people and the atmosphere at U-HOP.
However, it has come to the owner's attention that some 'not-so-nice' patrons have been harassing the staff over some of the new rules. While the company grapples with continuing to serve their patrons while following the guidelines and mandates from local and state officials, the last thing they need are people giving them grief over things that are out of their control.
According to a Facebook post on the company's page,
It's getting a little discouraging for us.. I need to get this out.
Our staff has been working tirelessly through this pandemic. We have been open every single day including holidays. Many have gone weeks without a real day off. And working long hot hours.
We are doing our best to make sure that we are following the rules set by our government to protect our staff and customers.
Many Customers were pushing for us to reopen dining room and bar.. Even though we were still short staffed due to many employees not comfortable with being potentially exposed. We did anyways to please our people.
That being said
Masks are required to enter until you are seated. If you can't follow this rule then we have a very convenient pick up window. But it is NOT OK TO HARASS MY STAFF OR BASH US BECAUSE WE ARE FOLLOWING THE RULES OF THE PANDEMIC.
This behavior is uncalled for and will not be tolerated.
We will go back to pick up window only if we have another episode.
I am sorry for the long rant. But we all have enough to deal with.. Without the bad apples ruining it for everyone.
So please, don't ruin it for everyone just because you can't get a grip on how to be an adult. If you can't go into a business that is trying to do their best to continue to operate amid these trying times and act like an adult, then maybe don't go out at all and let the rest of us enjoy our local businesses.