What The Heck Are Those Things In the Maine Walmart Bathrooms?
You know when you leave your house and you feel like you are forgetting something? You walk into Walmart and then it hits you, BAM! Oh yeah, I had to pee before I left.
So you walk over to the bathrooms and of course they are out of order. So, then you power-walk like those people do in their crushed velvet suits in the mall to the back of the store.
As you enter, you start to invade other peoples privacy, as we all do, by leaning down slightly in front of each stall to look for shoes. None of the regular stalls are available so you enter the handicap and pray that no one that truly needs it knocks.
Okay, so we've arrived to the part of the story that's important. I was sitting on the toilet making, visiting the "bladder wizard" and then I looked up. I noticed something in front of me, a contraption of sorts. It's something I've seen many times but never truly witnessed, you know what I mean? This time, witnessed it which led to a rabbit hole I've fallen into trying to figure out what it is.
I am not going to Google this, because I want to do it the old fashion way, figure it out through other inquiring minds. So, I ask,
What in the Kelly Clarkson, is a child's airplane seat doing in the bathroom at Walmart?
Is it a resting area for children? Is the bathroom going to take off and we all get a bag of peanuts? There are seatbelts and I am surprised it doesn't come with a tray table.
Is a goblin or a fairy going to appear, magically and give you make your bladder gladder?
I am on a crucial mission, to seek the truth.
I have to get a hobby.
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