Iris Alexander

A Bittersweet Goodbye
I thought that since my job is to be a writer that it would be best if I said my goodbyes in writing.

Adulting 101
One of life true growing up moments. Brought to you by a girl who is scared to grow up.

Maine Lobster Festival
How sometimes it takes a little push to get out and see the world or in my case Maine.

Facing My Car Wash Fears With Matt James
My first experience back at the car wash after my epic fail two years before.

Update On What To Do When You See People From Your Past
Just a quick update to an article I posted a week or so ago and how I used my own advice.

Understanding Friendships Are Like A Box Of Chocolates
Making friends is like a eating a boxes of chocolates. You have to try a few cherry filled ones till you find your caramel.

What I Put In My Backpack
A backpack is more than just a backpack it is a bag filled with everything you need to survive school.

My Moose Morning Show Experience
My experience siting in with the people who "drove" with me to school!

Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again
A honest review of Mamma Mia! Here we go again!

Advice On Living With A Roommate
Three different peoples advice and experience on how to live with a roommate.

The Longest Days Of Summer
Why the simplistic of the Dog Days of Summer are so important to creating a life balance.

Dorm Room 101
I have compiled a list of sorts for the best places to buy the best of the best dorm supplies.

Somebody I Used To Know
Do you say "Hi" or do you walk on bye? How seeing people from high school can be nerve racking.

Steve Miller Band And Peter Frampton
The perfect summer water front experience!

My First Time Reading Harry Potter
How a book that came out 22 years ago has taken me 19 years to read and all the wonderful things I wish to learn from reading it.

The Perfect Beach Day
When I think about how a girl should spend her summer, I imagine beach days, peaceful bike rides and eating ice cream. Not spending every waking moment working a summer job. It is for this reason that I have decided to take the time to go to the beach...